Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Dark Knight

I went to see Batman: The Dark Night tonight.  Listen, it takes a lot to make me praise an acting performance.  Let me tell you, Heath Ledger's Joker was literally a stunning performance.  This movie was 2.5 hours long and I was riveted the entire time.  What a RIDE!!!  Do NOT bring your little kids to see this movie, however.  It makes Jack Nicholson's version look G-Rated.  I can promise you that Heath's version will give them nightmares.  Not directly graphic, but inferred.  Honestly, the performance was simply disturbing, but that was the point.  This is where you get to see that it takes much more than just good (bad?) makeup to make a believable character.

It's rumored that when Jack Nicholson heard that Heath had died shortly after completing the shooting of The Dark Knight, he was quoted as saying, "I warned him."  Apparently this is a role that eats an actor up and I can see why.  If that's true, then Heath Ledger gave his life to this performance and it shows.  If you have a chance to see this movie, you should not pass it up.  Just pee first, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an amazing ride.  

Heath, I only wish you were still here with us to reap the well-deserved recognition for what would have certainly been an Academy Award winning performance.  You will be missed.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

You are so right, a true bravura performance.