Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My mom informed me today that JR passed away.  He was 15 and the age both makes it easier and harder to deal with.  On one hand, you can understand how a 15 year old dog can pass on from age.  On the other hand, 15 years is also a long time to build memories with a dog and it makes it harder to say goodbye.  I will miss you little buddy.  I know you're up there with Tiffey and Wally and I'm sure they're wagging their tails up there because they're excited to see you again.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about that Sean. Give my condolences to your mom. Take care

Unknown said...

Hi Sean
Thank you so much for posting J,R,s passing. I had
just finished saying I wish a dog would pick his
own time to go that I wouldn't have to do it and he
did. I keep thinking of the years I had him and it was
great. He had such a sweet personality. I just read
your blog and all I can say is I wished you would
have told me about the teacher who did that to you,
because I would have torn him a new asshole. Good
luck in your week-end. If you need me let me know.
Love you very much mom