Friday, August 10, 2012

Ah Yes. More Christian Words of Wisdom.

Just can't wait to see what good Ol' Pat Robertson says about the gays this week...  Let's watch, shall we?

Speaking of people who should shut their mouth.... If there's a God, please take this asshole.  We're done with him here.  Plus I'm sure Jesus is anxious to have a talk with him about the whole "love without condition" thing.  I'm also pretty sure that he's wearing a mixed fabric jacket.  That's clearly forbidden in the Old Testament too but hey... that one's silly right?

Yes Pat.  Clearly this whole Chick-Fil-A protest thing is all about chicken sandwiches and milkshakes.  We gays are so easy to rile up.  Just plop a chicken sandwich in front of us and we break out the boycott signs.  Jackass.

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